Expériences sur les ondes

14frs1588 op. Bruno

Contact ARISS 21/12/2021 8h24 UTC en allemand

Contact entre Berufliche Schule Direktorat 1 Nürnberg, Nuremberg, Germany et Matthias Maurer (KI5KFH). C’est en allemand, je ne comprends rien !



1. How does it feel to be so far away from Earth?

2. Is it true that astronauts have seen aliens or any other living beings in the universe?

3. Can our solar system, consisting of the planets and the moons, be part of or even the origin of a black hole?

4. Do you notice it on the space station when the ISS is hit by objects, like space debris, and what does it sound or feel like?

5. Do you also carry out exterior repairs and if so, how do you feel about hanging by a “thread”?

6. What is your favorite experiment at the moment?

7. Does the experiment with yoghurt production on the ISS work?

8. How hard is the sport for you on the ISS?

9. Astronauts stay on the ISS for an average of 6 months. How long could one stay on the ISS without suffering health damage?

10. What is the most beautiful thing for you when you look at our Earth from the ISS?

11. What do you miss most on the ISS?

12. How many people are on the ISS right now?

13. What is your message to the children and young people on earth?

14. How long does the flight to the ISS take?

15. How long do astronauts work per day?

16. How do you sleep in space?

17. How do you become an astronaut?

18. What languages must an astronaut be able to speak?

19. How do you brush your teeth in a space station?

20. Do you have internet in space?


Current Station Crew #66

Contact ARISS 15/10/2021 13h42 UTC

Contact entre Shannon WALKER (KD5DXB) et le Sterling MS, Ashburn, VA, USA conduit par une station Belge (ON4ISS). Audible sur 145.800 MHz FM étroite.



1. Louisa (10) Qu’as-tu ressenti quand tu as appris que tu serais commandant de l’ISS?
2. Lilou (14):
Est-il possible de modifier l’atmosphère martienne pour le rendre plus favorable à la vie humaine comme certains le laissent entendre?
3. Maé (10):
Est-ce que le son du saxophone est le même que sur Terre?
4. Noélie (14):
Si la terre n’était plus viable, pour que l’espèce humaine survive, est ce qu’une partie des humains pourraient aller vivre dans un vaisseau dans l’espace?
5. Leyla (10):
Les effets néfastes sur le corps sont-ils plus puissants lorsque l’on retourne plusieurs fois dans l’espace?
6. Ysée (14):
Quelles sont les solutions pour la gestion de la nourriture et l’eau pour un long voyage sans ravitaillement dans l’espace?
7. Zoé (10):
Où atterrit-on sur Terre? Pourquoi à cet endroit précis?
8. Gabrielle (14):
Les agences spatiales ont elles pour projet de construire des fusées moins polluantes pour la planète?
9. Chloé (10):
Est-ce que faire du sport dans l’espace a un effet différent sur le corps humain?
10. Louann (14):
Avez vous vu des changements liés à l’activité humaine depuis votre dernier voyage comme la déforestation, l’urbanisation et les incendies?
11. Océane (10):
Quelle est la chose la plus amusante dans l’espace?
12. Annaëlle (14):
En dehors de la démarche scientifique quel est l’intérêt d’aller habiter sur une autre planète alors qu’on ne respecte déjà pas la nôtre?
13. Adrien (10):
Quelles sont les responsabilités du chef de mission Alpha?
14. Clémence (14):
Pensez-vous que l’homme aura rendu Mars habitable avant que notre planète soit inhabitable?
15. Ana (10):
Comment définissez-vous la date et l’heure du décollage?
16. Juliette (10):
Quelles sensations avez-vous lorsque vous êtes en sortie extra-véhiculaire?
17. Théo (10):
Est-ce que vous avez trouvé des variétés de graines que vous pouvez faire pousser sans terre dans l’ISS Si oui, est-ce qu’elles mettent le même temps à pousser que sur la Terre?
18. Inès (10):
Quel est ton endroit préféré dans l’ISS?
19. Louise (10):
Quelle est la première chose que tu voudras faire lors de ton retour sur Terre?
20. Amandine (10):
La nourriture a-t-elle le même goût dans l’espace?
21. Jason (19):
Certains astronautes ont des flashs de lumière quand ils ferment les yeux. Peux-tu nous expliquer ce que c’est?


Current Station Crew #65

Contact ARISS 09/02/2021 15h44 UTC

Contact entre Shannon WALKER (KD5DXB) et le Sterling MS, Ashburn, VA, USA conduit par une station Belge (ON4ISS). Audible sur 145.800 MHz FM étroite.


(Pluck inséré entre chaque question)


1. Valentina (grade 6): What kind of training do you have to complete to become an astronaut?
2. Geovanny (grade 3): How do astronauts stay healthy in space?
3. Ariana (grade 4): What made you want to become an astronaut?
4. Aiden (grade 7): What is your daily routine like?
5. Muqadas (grade 8): Do the sun, stars, sunrises and sunsets look different from the ISS compared to Earth?
6. Ryan (kindergarten): How does your “ship” get you back down to Earth?
7. Isabella (grade 5): What is the weirdest thing that has happened to you in space?
8. Annabelle (grade 6): How do you feel emotionally and physically while in the rocket on your way to the ISS and on your way back?
9. Kaylee (grade 7): What was your reaction when you found out you were chosen to go to the ISS?
10. Mariam (grade 8): When you return to Earth, how long does it take for you to be able to walk again? Do you experience any other side effects of being in zero gravity for extended time?
11. Geovanny (grade 3): asking for Dylan (grade 4) How do you eat and drink in space without spilling and damaging your equipment?
12. Ariana (grade 4) What do you like to do for fun in space?
13. Muqadas (grade 8) asking for Lilyana (grade 8): Are you able to bring your phones and other personal items with you to the ISS?
14. Aiden (grade 7) asking for Omar (grade 7): When you come back to Earth, what will be your first meal?
15. Valentina (grade 6) asking for Julia (grade 6): What do astronauts do if you fall sick in space?
16. Kaylee (grade 7) asking for Amaya: How does it feel to be inside the ISS all the time? Does the environment (temperature, humidity) inside the iSS fluctuate?
17. Mariam (grade 8) asking for Ashley (grade 8): If you weren’t an astronaut, what job would you have?
18. Anabelle (grade 6) asking for Zayn (grade 6): How does it feel to experience 16 sunrises and 16 sunsets every day?
19. Ryan (kindergarten) asking for George (grade 5): How do you train to be in low gravity places?
20. Isabella (grade 5): What do you eat while in space? What is your favorite food?
and bye bye…


Current Station Crew #64 [https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts]

Kate RubinsVictor GloverSoichi NoguchiSergey RyzhikovMichael HopkinsShannon WalkerSergey Kud-Sverchkov

Contact ARISS 21/12/2021 8h24 UTC en allemand

Contact entre Berufliche Schule Direktorat 1 Nürnberg, Nuremberg, Germany et Matthias Maurer (KI5KFH). C’est en allemand, je ne comprends rien !



1. How does it feel to be so far away from Earth?

2. Is it true that astronauts have seen aliens or any other living beings in the universe?

3. Can our solar system, consisting of the planets and the moons, be part of or even the origin of a black hole?

4. Do you notice it on the space station when the ISS is hit by objects, like space debris, and what does it sound or feel like?

5. Do you also carry out exterior repairs and if so, how do you feel about hanging by a “thread”?

6. What is your favorite experiment at the moment?

7. Does the experiment with yoghurt production on the ISS work?

8. How hard is the sport for you on the ISS?

9. Astronauts stay on the ISS for an average of 6 months. How long could one stay on the ISS without suffering health damage?

10. What is the most beautiful thing for you when you look at our Earth from the ISS?

11. What do you miss most on the ISS?

12. How many people are on the ISS right now?

13. What is your message to the children and young people on earth?

14. How long does the flight to the ISS take?

15. How long do astronauts work per day?

16. How do you sleep in space?

17. How do you become an astronaut?

18. What languages must an astronaut be able to speak?

19. How do you brush your teeth in a space station?

20. Do you have internet in space?


Current Station Crew #66


Contact ARISS 27/01/20 17h35 UTC

Contact entre Luca PARMITANO (KF5KDP) et Agrupamento de Escolas Serafim Leite, São João da Madeira, Portugal, direct via CS2ASL. Audible sur 145.800 MHz



1. What is your daily routine like on board?

2. When you have a health problem what do you do? Are there any doctors on board?

3. When astronauts go to space for how long do they stay there?

4. Do you miss family?

5. Do you remember the very first moment that you look outside de ISS and saw the planet earth? What did you felt and did you think of someone special?

6. How do you bath in a ship?

7. How can you get water in space?

8. What is it like to live in the ISS?

9. What kind of experiences take place from the ISS and what are the advantages of making them from there?

10. How is it possible to create an atmosphere within the ISS?

11. Is the perception of time on board of the ISS different from the one you have on Earth?

12. How many hours of exercise should an astronaut do each day?

13. What effects does space flight have on the human body, and what do you feel?

14. When you are not working what do you do?

15. Being a different profession how old did you realize you wanted to be an astronaut?

16. What do you miss the most about Earth?

17. How can weightlessness influence the health of astronauts?

18. Tell us about your adventure in space?

19. How can you communicate with your family?

20. Do you feel scared when you are in space?

21. How and where do they sleep?

22. How long do astronauts train to perform space missions?

23. Do you have any specific food when you are on missions?

24. In an emergency situation can you all return to Earth?


Current Station Crew [https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts]

Andrew MorganAlexander SkvortsovLuca ParmitanoOleg SkripochkaJessica MeirChristina Koch

Contact ARISS 22/01/20 17h15 UTC

Contact entre Luca PARMITANO (KF5KDP),et l’Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Canada en télébridge sur 145.800 MHz (+/-3 KHz de doppler) en FM étroite par une station Italienne (IK1SLD).



1. Did you have an opinion about extra-terrestrial life before being on the ISS; has being on the ISS changed your views?
2. Being a mature woman, I have done a lot of cleaning. Has seeing Earth from near-space given you any thoughts on modifying existing technology, say attachments to airplanes, to help with excess greenhouse gas clean-up?
3. Have you seen space junk? How bad is the problem?
4. Did you always want to be an astronaut? What did your parents think?
5. What personal item did you bring with you and why?
6. What do you miss most about your usual life?
7. What is the most stressful situation in space you have experienced and how did it turn out?
8. What life lesson have you brought back that you can share with us from your most stressful situation in space?
9. How do you relieve boredom on ISS? Do you play with fidget toys, Silly Putty, games, music?
10. Does food taste different on the space station? How do you deal with food cravings?
11. What effects of microgravity have been the hardest to adjust to?
12. What are your thoughts on the portrayal of space in movies?
13. What does space look like from the International Space Station?
14. What is your favourite view of Earth from the space station?
15. What are your three favourite things about being on the space station?
16. Do you miss being able to go out for a walk whenever you want?


Current Station Crew [https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts]

Andrew MorganAlexander SkvortsovLuca ParmitanoOleg SkripochkaJessica MeirChristina Koch

Contact ARISS 11/04/19 13h00 UTC

Contact entre David St-Jacques (KG5FYI) et l’École des Charmilles, Thyez, France (74). En direct sur 145.800 MHz (+/-3 KHz de doppler) en FM étroite et conduit par la station BELGE ON4ISS.

2. La station spatiale se déplace-t-elle ou reste-t-elle immobile dans le ciel?
3. Quelle est votre mission?
4. Doit-on conduire la station internationale?
5. Comment se sent-on dans une fusée?
6. Pourquoi avez-vous voulu devenir astronaute?
7. Comment faites-vous pour boire?
8. Est ce qu’il y a des extra terrestres dans l’espace?
9. Quand vous etes dans la station, est-ce que vous volez?
10. Quel entrainement avez-vous suivi?
11. Allez-vous sortir dans l’espace?

Current Station Crew [https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts]

Nick Hague  Alexey Ovchinin Christina Koch  Anne McClain  Oleg Kononenko  David Saint-Jacques

Contact ARISS 02/02/19 15h23 UTC

Contact entre David St-Jacques (KG5FYI) et l’école colégio campo de Flores, almada, Portugal. En direct sur 145.800 MHz (+/-3 KHz de doppler) en FM étroite et conduit par la station portugaise CS5SS.

6. Which daily routine is harder for you?
7. What would be a different day aboard ISS?
8. What do you do not to think about the ones you miss the most?
9. Besides our planet, what else can you see when you look through the window?
10. Have you ever seen a black hole?
11. How do you distinguish day from night?
12. How do you fight illnesses?
13. What dangers do you face?
14. Which technologies allow you to survive?
15. Which energy sources do you use on ISS?
16. What scientific experiments do you perform on ISS?
17. What are the most interesting/exciting scientific discoveries so far?
18. The Earth is becoming overpopulated, do you think that living in space is an alternative?

Current Station Crew [https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts]

Anne McClain  Oleg Kononenko  David Saint-Jacques

Contact ARISS 14/12/18 13h55 UTC

Contact entre Serena Aunon-Chancellor (KG5TMT) et Kenilworth School and Sixth Form, Kenilworth, Angleterre. En direct sur 145.800 MHz (+/-3 KHz de doppler) en FM étroite et conduit par la station anglaise GB4KSN.


1. Max B. (Age 11): What surprised you the most when you entered space?
2. Jacob G. (Age 12): Do you believe there is some form of living extra-terrestrial intelligent lifeforms beyond earth, not just bacteria and fossils?
3. Eva R. (Age 11): During your training would you be able to describe your hardest moment and your most enjoyable experience from your training?
4. George J. (Age 11): How do you find the food in space compared to when you are back on earth?
5. Anya B. (Age 11): When you were a child did you always know you wanted to be an astronaut and fly to space?
6. John T. (Age 13): Where would you prefer to live, on board The ISS or Earth?
7. Elin B. (Age 11): What kind of plant life can be grown on the ISS as there is no oxygen or CO2 in space?
8. Alfie S. (Age 11): Why do liquids when poured out in space, always form round blobs?
9. Freddie B-S. (Age 12): From information that I have read, male astronauts say that “space” smells very metallic. Is it any different for female astronauts in space?
10. Dorottya V. (Age 12): How will it be possible to live on Mars and plant trees, flowers, and create an earth like environment?
11. Sam S. (Age 13): If you are in space, how does the zero gravity make you taller?
12. Clarissa/Elly (Age 12): Is the sunrise brighter than on earth?
13. Simon B. (Age 12): I am interested about Europa which orbits Jupiter. If life was found on Europa, what are the biological protocols to protect indigenous life and samples on or from other worlds?
14. Esme H. (Age 11): How long did it take to get used to life on the space station?
15. Matthew K. (Age 11): What is the daily day to day routine in regards to personal hygiene?
16. Megan M. (Age 12): This is your first visit to the to the International Space Station. What are your thoughts on another opportunity and perhaps take part in a spacewalk?
17. Nuala R. (Age 13): Does it feel like you’re moving when you’re on the ISS or do you just feel as though you are floating in the emptiness of space?
18. Lior I. (Age 14): What do you think will change in space stations in the future decade?
19. Melody H. (Age 11): What’s your favourite thing to do in space?
20. Flora V. (Age 11): When you come back to earth do you see the earth differently than you did before you left?
21. Tom E. (Age 11): What is the strangest thing you have seen in space?

Current Station Crew [https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts]

Commander Alexander Gerst  Serena Auñón-Chancellor  Sergey Prokopyev Anne McClain  Oleg Kononenko  David Saint-Jacques

Contact ARISS 24/11/18 19h06 UTC

Contact entre Serena Aunon-Chancellor (KG5TMT) et l’IMP Aerospace & Defence, Goffs, NS, Canada, en télébridge sur 145.800 MHz (+/-3 KHz de doppler) en FM étroite par une station Italienne (IK1SLD).

3. Bria (12): Do you believe signs of life, past or present, will be found in our Solar System?

4. Ella (11): What is the coolest thing you’ve seen from the Space Station?

5: Raelyn (8): How do you handle medical issues in space especially if they are life-threatening?

6: Callum (7): What’s it like to be an astronaut?

7. Tyler (7): What does it smell like inside the ISS?

8. Trevor (7): Is any food grown on the Space Station?

9. Milena (8): How do you do laundry on the ISS?

10. Alex (5): How does your spacesuit stay warm?

11. Chloe (12): In order to maintain altitude or avoid orbital debris a reboost or avoidance maneuver is performed. Can you feel that taking place inside the ISS?

12. Xingyan (9): How long did it take for you to adjust to the weightless environment on the ISS?

13. Bria (12): How does life spent on the underwater training laboratory “Aquarius” compare with life on the ISS?

14. Ella (14): Is it noisy or quiet inside the space station?

15. Raelyn (8): What has been the biggest health issue you’ve had to deal with?

16. Callum (7): What’s your favorite space meal?

17. Tyler (7): How do Astronauts take a shower in space?

18. Trevor (7): Does the entire crew gather for meals?

19. Milena (8): What do you do in your spare time for entertainment?

20. Alex (5): How do you know when to go to bed at night?

Current Station Crew [https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts] Serena Auñón-Chancellor Commander Alexander Gerst Sergey Prokopyev


Passages #iss #sstv en PD120 le 27/10/2018 12h17 TU rev:113909 Baofeng GT-3 + Nagoya NA-771

Basse élévation…

SSTV planned for Oct 27

ARISS News Release No. 18-12
Dave Jordan, AA4KN
ARISS SSTV Joins with NASA On The Air for a Special Event
Oct. 19, 2018:
Amateur Radio OnThe International Space Station (ARISS) is planning a very special Slow Scan TV event currently scheduled to start October 27 about 10 am UTC. Helping to support the event will be NASA’s Space, Communication and Navigation (SCaN) Dept.
The Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program manages NASA’s three most important communications networks. The Space Network (SN), Near Earth Network (NEN), and the Deep Space Network (DSN.
Just as in past ARISS SSTV commemorations, 12 images will be downlinked, but this time with 6 featuring the SCaN educational activities while the other 6 images will commemorate major NASA anniversaries, ie when NASA was established, astronauts first landing on the moon, etc.
In addition to the fun of receiving these images, participants can qualify for a special endorsement for the NASA On The Air (NOTA) celebration event. To learn more about NOTA, visit ( https://nasaontheair.wordpress.com).
Once received, Images can be posted and viewed at http://www.spaceflightsoftware.com/ARISS_SSTV/index.php .The transmissions are expected to be broadcast at the usual frequency of 145.800 MHz using the PD-120 SSTV mode.


Contact ARISS 27/08/18 08h06 UTC

Contact entre Ricky ARNOLD (KE5DAU) et le Shri Timli Vidyapeet, Devikhet, Inde via télébridge conduit par une station Belge (ON4ISS).

1. Pragya Dabral (12): Does space junk cause a potential problem for the Space Station?
2. Sangeeta Rawat (14): Why don’t you run out of oxygen on the International Space Station?
3. Vasu Negi (14): What is it like being in zero gravity?
4. Deepak Jugran (15): Have you ever seen an alien or a UFO?
5. Akhilesh Negi (11): Have you ever seen a black hole?
6. Sristhi Naithani (11): Do we use our all five senses in space?
7. Prearna (10): Being an astronaut, do you believe in God?
8. Alok Jakhmola (9): How can a spacecraft fly in the absence of air?
9. Vipin Negi (9): Do you get time to speak with your family and friends
10. Vipin Soni (10): What is the speed of life in space?
11. Rashmi (7): How will the Russian cargo ship change life in ISS?
12. Soham Dabral (10): Tell us how the A.I. robot (CIMON) is helping you there?
13. Aditya (8): Which part of the world looks more beautiful from space?
14. Vitishta (7): Would you be a mentor for our school’s technology club?
15. Priyanshu (8): Can you see fireworks on earth from the ISS?
16. Priyanshu Tomar (13): Is your perspective for life changed after living in ISS?
17. Amit Singh (13): How do you measure time in space?
18. Ankush Singh (14): Will we be able to travel in space as a visitor in future?
19. Suraj Singh (15): Your one message for all of us living in Himalayas?
20. Km Pinki (15): What inspired you to become an astronaut?
21. Km Amrita (14): Will there be smell in food if we keep it open for several days in space? 

Nb: réduction aux parties intelligibles

Current Station Crew [https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts]

Oleg Artemyev   Commander Drew Feustel  Ricky Arnold  Sergey Prokopyev   Alexander Gerst   Serena Auñón-Chancellor

Contact ARISS 23/08/18 08h22 UTC

Contact entre OR4ISS et l’Inde Vidya Mandir Inter College, Meerut via IK1SLD (Ricky Arnold KE5DAU) le 23 Août à 08:22 UTC (10h22 CEST).

1. How many languages do you need to know to become an astronaut?
2. Which country has the same time as the space station?
3. Do you get the time to sleep in space?
4. In space do you feel hot or cold?
5. Have you ever seen an alien or a UFO?
6. What is your favourite planet?
7. Have you ever seen a black hole?
8. Do you believe that extra-terrestrials exist?
9. How do you manage food in space?
10. Does your body react differently in space?
11. What do you do on a typical day?
12. How do you arrange oxygen to breathe in space station
13. What types of experiments are you currently running and how does zero gravity affect them?
14. If somebody of your crew has birthday, is there any birthday party on the ISS?
15. What do you do for fun?
16. How difficult is it to readjust to life on earth after a long stay in space?
17. How does the human body change in outer space?
18. Which planets look best from space? Why?
19. What is your relationship like with your fellow astronauts?
20. What is your favourite country to look at from space?

Nb: réduction aux parties intelligibles

Current Station Crew [https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts]

Oleg Artemyev   Commander Drew Feustel  Ricky Arnold  Sergey Prokopyev   Alexander Gerst   Serena Auñón-Chancellor

Contact ARISS 31/01/18 15h42 UTC

Astronaut Scott D. Tingle alias @Astro_Maker speaks with students of the Central Magnet Math & Science ES in Batesville, AR 🇺🇸

Telebridge ground station: IK1SLD in Italy 🇮🇹 16:42 UTC – downlink 145.800 MHz FM over Europe 🇪🇺

Contact ARISS 12/12/17 13h08 UTC

Contact entre Joe Acaba OR4ISS (KE5DAR) et le Summa-Aldapeta, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain via une station espagnole (EG2SMA).

Pas de soucis pour l’anglais mais pour l’espagnol je comprends rien 😉 .

NB: blancs coupés

Contact ARISS 26/10/17 09h59 UTC

Contact entre Joe Acaba (KE5DAR), et les écoles de Glanmire Community College, Cork, d’Irlande et le Colegiul National Calistrat Hogas Piatra Neamt, Piatra Neamt, de Roumanie via télébrige EI1ISS.